Use the map provided below to determine which type of Internet Service Reynolds Communications offers in your area.
Green | High-Speed Fiber Optic – Available Now in all areas shaded in green.** | |
Red | High-Speed Fiber Optic – Currently under construction (Estimated Availability 0-6 Months) | |
Orange | High-Speed Fiber Optic – Included in the current Build-Plan (Estimated Availability 6-18 Months) | |
Dark Brown | High-Speed Fiber is planned but not yet scheduled in Build-Plan. (Estimated Availability 1-15 Years) | |
Light Blue | Wireless/Satellite/LTE – Available Now inside the light blue outline.* |
* All locations within the light blue line will qualify for at least one of the 3 service types offered there. A site survey is required in order to determine the specific service type, and packages available to a location in those areas.
** High-Speed Fiber Optic Internet requires a buried service line placed to the customer’s home. Installation for homes without a service line may take up to 2 weeks if service is requested between April 1 and November 31. Services requested Between December 1 and March 31 may require subscribers to go on a spring waiting list. Contact the office for more details.